Steven Chung, AIA, interviewing Frank Geary, FAIA. Photo courtesy of Cool Spaces!
If you receive the AIArchitect emails from the AIA, you may have seen this article from March 21, 2014, entitled “Cool Spaces! Premiers on PBS in April.” You can view the article here: http://www.aia.org/practicing/AIAB102008
The show will investigate the design process through specific building types. “Cool Spaces!, hosted by Stephen Chung, AIA, will explore how architects and their clients use innovative technology and practiced design traditions to shape the world around us. Equally interested in the design process and the design product, the program will demystify the work that architects do for a general audience, helping to build awareness of how an architect’s hand can improve and refine nearly every aspect of the built environment.”
Intrigued, I looked to see when we can watch in Nebraska, but there are currently no air dates set for NET Nebraska (http://www.coolspaces.tv/cool-spaces-season-1-air-dates/). We’ll keep an eye out and post an update when we hear more.
In the meantime, you can watch the trailer here: http://www.architectmagazine.com/videos/detail/ar-2014-02-11-cool-spaces-exclusive-premiere/2114509
And, you can visit the Cool Spaces! website here: http://www.coolspaces.tv/